e Sleekshot Poker: 2007 Summary

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

2007 Summary

So the difficult second year. Or am I confusing it with bands and their difficult second album? Anyway, after discovering poker in 2006 the challenge in 2007 was to maintain my enjoyment from the game as well as my enthusiasm.

Some good early MTT cashes, including a win in the Laddies Deep Stack Tourney left me about $1k up after 4 months. I then moved house and refurbishment took over my life with little time for poker!

In the next 6 months, poker took a back seat and I played mainly STT’s to resurrect my challenge and hopefully win enough to buy a new PC. That went well although I tailed off towards the end but I finished the year with the challenge looking like this:

Played 192
Entry Fees $1056
Prizes $1440
Profit $384

Plus $15 from $10 STT's

November provided a couple of nice wins in some low entry high value tourneys and then December I decided to have another crack at cash games (more about that here).

So all in all another good year on the poker tables but an even better one off of it with a new house and new baby boy!!

Overall 2007 record:
Freerolls - $749
MTT's - $523
STT's - $248
Cash - $217
Bonus - $139
Rounders - ($17)
Total - $1859

Let’s hope 2008 is even better.


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